Naret has been out on her moto delivering food supplies to families this week. From the smiles it looks like everyone was happy to see her.
Samat Samat & Nita Ta, Grandpa Nouen, Naret Ta, Grandpa Nouen & Naret Ta, Grandpa Nouen, & Naret
Naret is also a volunteer with Building Community Cambodia and she also delivers the monthly sponsorship stipends to the Grannies who live near Siem Reap city.
Grandma Chhom Grandma Chhom Grandma Chhom’s sister weaving a hammock from hyacynth reeds Naret, Grandma Moeurn & Grandma Rien Grandma Rien & Grandma Moeurn Naret & Gandma Khin Naret, Grandma Heng & Heng Naret, Grandma Heng & Heng