No experience necessary! We have lots of simple tasks that people of all ages and abilities can assist us with. For example; helping prepare the monthly food packs or helping out on our community Farm, digging, planting, picking and most of all laughing and having fun with us.

We are keen to ensure that all volunteers get their needs met from their volunteering experience with SRFB. There isn’t any clock-punching, we want our volunteers to “hang with the people” to be free and playful. 

How to Volunteer

If you are interested in volunteering with the Siem Reap Food Bank (SRFB), please complete the registration form below. Once we receive your registration we will contact you to discuss how you can assist.

Community Farm Assistants

Can you spare a day or 2 or 3

to help on our new Community Farm?

Volunteer Ethos

Go to the people
Live among them
Learn from them
Plan with them
Work with them
Start with what they know
Build on what they have
Teach by showing
Learn by doing
Not a showcase but a pattern
Not odds and ends but a system
Not to conform but to transform
Not relief but release

Volunteer Stories

The organic community garden project commenced in November 2021. Thanks to the hard work of our volunteers and Naret, our founder, the garden is now producing seasonal crops that enable us to supplement the monthly food hampers with a few fresh vegetables. 

Rafael – Volunteering at AFTV

Hello my name is Rafael and I am volunteering at a organisation called Ability Fair Trade Village (AFTV) in Siem Reap city, Cambodia. I am from...


Administration Volunteers

Chris Leonard - Projects Manager  |  អ្នកគ្រប់គ្រងគម្រោង

Brian Taylor (Head Start Foundation) - UK Fundraising Campaign Organiser
|  UK អ្នករៀបចំយុទ្ធនាការណ៍ស្វែងរកជម្នួយចក្រភពអង់គ្លេស

Jon Saunders (Future Focus Global) - Consultant / Database Development
|  ទីប្រឹក្សា/អ្នកគ្របគ្រង់ទិន្នន័យ អង់គ្លេស

Ian Bruce - Art Director  |  នាយកផ្នែកសិល្បៈ

Jenni Parker - Marketing Coordinator  |  នកគ្រប់គ្រងផ្នែកទីផ្សារ

Food Bank Volunteers

Chariya OM, (Naret) Piseth DIME, 

ចរិយា អោម, (ណារ៉េត) ពិសិទ្ធ ឌីមី,
ពិសី ឌីមមី

Srey MOM

ស្រី មុំ

Grace House Ladies

ហ្គ្រាស៊េ ហោសស៍ ឡេឌីស៍

Media Project Volunteers
Local Media Consultant

Cassandra GRAHAM


Fabienne NIGON
Claire WYATT


Makara YOS