With your help, we can reach more people, innovate better ways to deal with hunger, and advocate for lasting change. Hunger affects every community in Cambodia. However, people with disabilities, the elderly and single-parent families are more vulnerable than others. 

…almost 40% of children under five are chronically malnourished and suffer from stunting. Children aren’t the only ones suffering from malnutrition and hunger as one in five women is underweight.  (Borgen Project).


How You Can Help

Be An Advocate

Spread the word! Become a hunger relief advocate and be a voice for people in need. 

Facebook engagements

Be A Fundraiser

Organise a fundraising activity or event. It is easier than you might think!

USD raised

Be A Volunteer

Volunteer your time. Experience not essential. Packing, laughing, planting, watering & smiling are sufficient skills!

Volunteer hours served

Donate Now
& Help End Hunger

A basic USD $30 food care pack will help feed an average family of 4 for 1 month. The cost includes a delivery fee of USD $3. The delivery fees also help to take care of a tuk-tuk driver with a disability and his family.

Since March 2020 we have served over 300 needy families. We continue to provide food, supplies and toiletries for the most vulnerable families in Siem Reap. However, we need your help to keep fighting hunger. 

Please give so more can live. Together we can make a difference!

Food hampers delivered since March 2020